Monday, April 7, 2008

Recent website updates

I keep adding and updating Starting today, I'll post the updates on my blog so that subscribers will know immediately when something new has been added.
a) see more debates on tall buildings. Go to
I've been reading Don Mitchell's The Right to the City (New York: Guilford P, 2003), and he makes reference to an essay by Kuntsler and Salangaros, "The End of Tall Buildings." He has that essay and some responses to it on his people's geography website, and I've added the link.
b) conference announcement for Beyond the Academy conference. Go to: http::// or directly to the conference website:

Monday, March 17, 2008


Welcome to this public blog, where visitors to my website are welcome to post questions or comments about either the site or the text, Philosophy and the City: Classic to Contemporary Writings, ed. Sharon M. Meagher (Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2008).